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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to create a website

A website reflects your opinion and your character to people all over the world. It must be prepared in a way to attract people to come again and again. A website must be prepared keeping in mind the visitors. It must be simple and attractive. To create a website you do not require any special skills. You can create websites in simple what you see is what you get WYSIWYG format. You can even make it attractive by adding videos and pictures. Before going in to the details of the website you are going to create I would like to remind you about the most important factor. You need good original content. Adsense does not tolerate duplicate content. You must have good content before you decide on your website. You can research on your topic meticulously and thoroughly to accumulate enough data and document from internet and other sources. If you are looking to create a duplicate website by copying somebody else's work you may as well leave this website because it is not for you.
Research your topic
Researching Your topic is a time consuming work. Before researching on a topic or a subject do decide on a subject which is useful to the visiting public. Also decide whether the topic you selected for your website is a topic which will allow you to create a lot of pages and information. one page websites will find it difficult to find a place in the search engine. You can learn about how to increase your traffic by clicking the link. To find place in the search engine you must select a topic or a subject that allows enough scope for improvement. More you improve and add pages more chances you have in finding a place in the search engines. Research your topic using internet and print media. Gain more knowledge about the topic you are going to create a website and become an expert.

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